A software bug, system flaw, security gap—these are all terms you may have heard in the world of application security (AppSec). Yes, they all mean slightly ...
The definition of application security (AppSec) is found in the name itself. It consists of the process and tools used for securing the application software that ...
There’s no denying it—the world is much different than it was just five years ago. It is a place where software lies at the heart of ...
Companies are rushing to launch digital transformation initiatives and roll out new software products and services at greater speed than ever before. But one false move, ...
Defining quality within software is a work in progress. It’s also a process of evolution, particularly in the way the notion of quality relates to security. ...
Despite the constant pressure to get innovations to market as fast as possible, you still have a responsibility to protect your software from exploitable vulnerabilities. This ...
They say you can’t manage what you can’t measure. In AppSec, this translates into you can’t protect what you don’t fully understand. This includes all the ...
What’s the problem? These days, finding ways to make technology work for us rather than against us has become the gold standard. And in the world ...
No, but you have to decide how much you’re willing to change to make it more effective… Can billions in TAM be wrong? In his blog ...
As organizations continue to implement cloud-first strategies, the provider of choice has been Amazon Web Services (AWS). According to a CRN article summarizing Gartner’s Magic Quadrant ...