Our team, including CEO Ernesto DiGiambattista and CTO John Steven, will be at the Gartner Summit the week of June 17th.
Ernesto has recently written about how organizations need to do more than secure code. They need a real-time, comprehensive view of the risks inherent in their software and infrastructure – across cloud, on premise and hybrid environments. And as they rely on multiple point tools to address different parts of these complex environments, they need a broader solution to orchestrate scanning and remediation.
With John’s extensive background in bringing software security innovation to market as products and services in roles including co-CTO at Cigital (now Synopsys) and co-founder and CTO of Codiscope, he discusses in this blog how security must “go native” into development and become sustainable (to staff and to pay for) in order to survive.
If you’re interested in meeting with Ernesto, John or both at Gartner to go deeper into these topics and how ZeroNorth plays a role, please fill in this form.